I’m finding this particular blog hard to write as I don’t believe in classes and don’t want to come across as someone who does, I‘m quite the opposite, I take an individual on their merits and class never comes into it (I do make snap judgements on people, which can be quite c*nty, oops).
What I don’t like though are ‘scum’ - You get scum in all classes, from the lower class Granny mugging crack smoking shit c*nts whose very existence is to impregnate as many council flat dwelling sprung action legged spunk mitt teen fallopian property ladder climbing shit whores, and when they are not doing that (rarely) they live to make as many decent hard working folks lives as difficult as possible by picking a discipline from the wide array in their anti social skill set.
Rise up to the top from this and you get the silver spooned cherry picked blood lined fucking rah rah fox hunting roller blind lipped Burberry wearing Oxford punt c*nts who usually hide behind some sort of title and who ritualistically abuse children in crazy underground crazy arthritic handshaking Satanist sex rings and happily go undetected or have sex with illegal immigrants while dressed as Rommel. Anyway, point made.
My experience of scum this week was when I ventured down to the historic town of Rye for a week to escape the smog, pollution and general Michael Ryan’esque rage that a long stint in London can drive you to. What I got however was the same, but with bells on. Rye itself is a lovely little place, twee little cake shops and delicate little antiques market selling all range of fancy crap, the usual Sussex fair, nice beaches, rarely populated by about 5 people, most of them locals walking their dogs etc. However, venture out slightly and you get to Camber. Camber in the summer, some sort of congregation for the worst of the worst, where scum from Hastings go to get away from it all. Children dressed in a mish mash of tracksuit bottoms, polo tops and ill fitting trainers (He’ll ‘ave to fakkin grow into thim) kids that have managed to escape the most important educational years and instead communicate with a series of Neanderthal grunts and chest beatings in order to explain to the mum that they are running low on either quavers or super noodles, the unleaded of scum kids.
I watched open jawed as fucking tattoo neck/fist dad looked the other way as his idiot kids littered the street (there was a bin 2ft away) and kicked the shit out of a bus stop (Dad was too busy trying to work out if he had time to have a roll up before the bus came) and Mum was just chain smoking away, probably about 36 but Alex Higgins white with suck marks on her cheeks from permanently having a Richmond Cigarette on the go. And the poor me rsi from having his hand out Dad moaning on the bus at 11am about child custody issues while sucking on a can of strong beer, what a fucking chump, and finally the ridiculous wannabe gangsta pricks walking round in hot sun with hoodies pulled up, walking in an arthritic manner, hoods up, music blaring out, it almost made me wish I had proper South London lad from Peckham to show ‘em how its done. I think the hive for this high instance of pikey was Pontins, there were some lovely families there too, being ripped off to shreds with the high season holiday prices, but the place was modelled off the worse council estates in England.
I know that life has always had its layer of scum, and in some ways, life would be dull without them, there would be no Jeremy Kyle for starters, no Lidl, no Primark, but I think as a people, we club together and grab these people, hug them, hold on to them, educate them, bathe them, clothe them (inoffensively) and show them that life is better when it’s all together, allow them to experience and bathe in the warmth of other cultures and the wealth of beauty and teachings that the world can bestow upon them, if they only opened their eyes, surely then, with that knowledge in their hearts and minds, the world would open up to them like a flower and they could share in the global community and the higher teachings that are given to those who reach out and shun ignorance?
Or gas the fucking cunts, I don’t care, either is fine with me, just get the fuckers out of my fucking eye line. Somebody do some thing, sterilise the cunts? Jesus (two words that should never appear together in a line, sorry big man), the amount of money we spend dropping heavy ordinance or poor little Afghans and we cant spare a few grand for some house bricks to humanely castrate these sick, inbred, scrounging, deadbeat grasping shuffling horrid, horrible fuck pigs?
It didn’t take much research online to work out what was causing the high instance of indigenous pikey in the area, bad diet, low access to employment, housing? No, the fuck off nuclear power station pumping death and disability out into the sea and air 27/7, I’d ignored some of the sights I had seen and some of the quotes that filtered through my overly judgemental mind, quotes such as “a child should never have a blow hole on its forehead” and “finally, someone who can appreciate an Ibenez 7 string guitar”. Quite simply, radiation is not your friend, it wont save you money on your bills, it will fuck you up, that and super noodles.
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