We all know the C word is awful and there is no call for it in a modern civilised culture (except when describing Kerry Katona, Jordan (The c*nt, not the Country) that guy from the Credit Expert advert, or that horrible woman from the Halifax ad 'isa isa baby. However, there is a call for it and I have spend my time looking for new uses for the word, I'll add to these when I think of them.
Cunch - Used to describe a lunch with people you don't like, such as a work related lunch, something you wouldn't go to unless it was free or you had to for your job.
Cuntaloons - A really bad pair of trousers
Cuntstable - An unreasonable policeman
Cuntryside - Milton Keynes, or Harlow
Cuntageous - A transferable STD
A cunt of buses This is the collective noun for describing when walking to the bus stop and seeing 3 buses pass together like some sort of automotive conga, meaning you are going to be there for at least an hour, like some sort of cu...
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