Monday, 5 March 2012

Twitter Twatter

Ooops, I got really drunk and fucked twitter off again. I was getting hacked off with it anyway, moronic hashtags like #gagaisourworld and #Idratherloosemyeyesthanbewithouttaylorswift etc. I cant be in the same space as morons (unless I am leading them)/

The @blindfumble thing tipped me over in my drunken state. There are about 50 or so people on there that I followed religiously (even though they were real) and with her I was genuinely concerned about her pug Dilbo and now she has gone. Some tool, typical bloke thing, she is friendly and pretty and funny so some guys cant handle that and go all weird.

Anyway, this is my alamo and have retreated to here for a while. I will no doubt go back on twitter and find my magical 50 people, the likes of @darkbeige, @wo0, @annetteharris1 and @_pantherpants.

Laters, see you back on-line in the future, I have too much to say to not go back.

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